Day 5- Environment

Its World Environment Day and my Princess decided to be an Environment Fairy.She came home and announced that she wanted to be an Environment fairy and wear her Rosella
Rosetta costume and I said, No(obviously!)
After many ‘Please Mumma’s and ‘No Aadya’s later,we decided that she could still be the fairy but there was no way,she was wearing a flimsy dress to school.2) There was no way,she was going to school in just a dress and tights in this weather.So,we came up with this outfit:)
The Rainbow Tutu from her 6th Birthday party was put to good use 🙂 She could still wear her favorite red t-shirt and the Rosetta wings and she also had a bit of green 🙂 Perfect I think:)

Oh and in case you are wondering,what an environment Fairy does?Well,she turns all the rubbish into pretty flowers 🙂 You like??

Posted on June 5, 2013, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. Awww I luv 🙂 Send her across pls 😉

  2. Aww.. isn’t that cute. And just the environment fairy we need. Lots of rubbish around to be turned into pretty flowers!

  3. What a sweet environment fairy.

  4. Yes, I like. Both your fairy and her agenda. 🙂

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